
They could not listen they’re not listening still, perhaps they never will…Don Maclean There is treasure inside all of us, but we must be willing to dig for it. When that cache is located, if we share what is found with a loving, open heart, we will witness it increase in value. This value perpetuates itself as the message is accepted by others. Watching my truth spill out onto the white like so much blood, I am in rapture, consumed by what is being accepted. Acceptance gives us the ability to feel our truth that is grace, when we use that endowment to help others it increases our capacity to accept even more of what is freely given. This is expansion; it’s about how much of that God given gift we are able to allow. One caveat, there is this compulsion to travel to places within myself others fear to tread, it is going to make many feel uncomfortable. It’s hard to shake this feeling that there is a requirement to share that place with everyone, it’s a gut reaction, announcing that we all have a need to become closer in spirit.

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